Pushing My Buttons

After almost 18 years of marriage, G does know how to push my buttons, and sometimes he even does so without knowing it. A good example of this took place on our way home from the SEGC meeting on Wednesday night.

As I've blogged previously, I hate when people point out that I am glue-stick white from my scalp to the tips of my toes. Be that as it may, we had the following conversation in the car.

Him: "You look super-freakin' white tonight. Extra white."

Me, not hiding my irritation well: "What are you talking about?"

Him: "You know, you look like an extra from that vampire movie, you know the one, Talking to The Vampire."

Me: "I think you mean Interview With a Vampire."

Him: "Yeah, that's it...maybe it's the hair."

How am I insulted? Let me count the ways!

1. I know I'm white. In case you're wondering, I'll still be pale tomorrow. And basically every tomorrow forever.

2. I'd like to think that if I had been cast for such a movie, I'd at least get a speaking part and not be an extra.

3. I know the black hair is a disaster...does he have to keep reminding me?

4. Last but not least: Talking to the Vampire? Really? Maybe G knows something I don't know, like maybe that was Anne Rice's working title for the book, or not...because that title STINKS!

Since I'm grievously insulted by the whole thing, I'll also take this opportunity to debunk another one of G's illusions: it's not flan & gypsum, it's flotsam & jetsam.


bosslady said...

I think "Talking to the Vampire" is just as bad as "Snakes on a Plane". But "Snakes on a Plane" is actually the REAL title of that movie.

(my word varification is swartimi. Sounds like a cocktail!)

Addie said...

Ash, you're right - those are both ridiculously bad titles!

I'd think swartimi would be a verb; here's how I'd use it in a sentence.

When I get the dogs their breakfast, they're so excited that they swartimi.


Leslie said...

Whats wrong with white anyway ? We are all pale-faces. Gee, did Garrett ever say your Mom and Dad looks very white today.
You should use of of the green gunk that women put on their faces at bedtime and wear it all night. I love you even if you are white ! ;-}