My Co-Workers

One of the distinct perks of the virtual office is the ability to choose your own office mates, rather than having that decision made by some uncaring, remote hiring authority. My colleagues don't gossip by the water cooler, stink the place up by microwaving garlic-laden frozen entrees, or steal my pens. I submit this picture as proof of their impeccable professional behavior in the office.

The guest bed is behind my computer desk in my office, and this is how Bruno & Hoover pass the time while I'm working. Note that a collar is all that's required to be in compliance with my business casual dress code. For the dogs, that is.


Leslie said...

Gee, they are cute, I hope they will sleep with me when I get there.

Stephen said...

They certainly look better-mannered than one of my co-workers. AND, they look like they'd actually get work done and not walk around the entire building drinking coffee and belching all morning.....but I digress...

The word verification du jour:
His hands were boundli bound behind his back

Maria Peters said...

Um, are you sure they don't stink up the place? Not with garlic, mind you...I'm wishin' for some garlic smells in my home office...I think it would be preferable.

The boys are beautiful.

Addie said...

Oh Mom, if one of these guys got into bed with you, you'd soon find yourself on the floor...when they stick those LONG legs out, there's not much room for people. That's why they have super-comfy beds on the floor!

Stephen, the lack of thumbs is probably all that keeps them from wandering all over the place swilling coffee. Incidentally, it sounds like I may have worked with that ill-mannered co-worker of yours at some point!

Maria, you're right, garlic is a better stink than the air-biscuits these guys launch from time to time. Now that's a stench that could peel the paint off the walls! The boys say thank you, and you're beautiful, too!


PS - My word verification: cresteri.

Outside her window, Addie spied a beautiful cardinal with vibrant feathers in his cresteri.

Fun, isn't it?

christie said...

AIR BISCUITS! That is the perfect word for it! I was going to mention that on the days I work from home usually the dogs are perfect co-workers, except for the "air biscuits"!