
In passing, G & I have both mentioned feeling old over the last week, which was just the spark to ignite my ever-smoldering bonfire of hypochondria. The more I think about it, the funnier it is, which is reason enough to think about it, and yes, blog about it. My profile does promise to bore you with my daily details, and far be it from me to break such a solemn vow.

My complaint du jour is that I’m tired. Really, really tired.

Most people would say, “Well, Addie, you haven’t been getting enough sleep. You go to bed too late, your dogs wake you up at the crack of dawn, and that guy who sleeps in your bed snores like a freight train.” (See how I didn’t mention his name? Classy of me, I think.) Anyway, that’s what most people would say.

Here’s what I tell myself, “Well, Addie, this is it. This could be anything…ANYTHING! We’re not as young as we used to be, you know. Adrenal fatigue, sleep apnea, diabetes, anemia, fibromyalgia, or PARASITES. That’s probably it, you know…parasites. Remember that article in Discover Magazine? Disgusting!”

So this is where my internal dialogue nonsense has taken me…to parasites. The very idea is to me as Kryptonite is to Superman, so I’ll probably spend the next couple of hours Googling anti-parasite treatments. I’d better get cracking, though, because I have to get up at oh-dark-thirty tomorrow.

Or I could go to bed early, but that’s not going to help these PARASITES, is it?


Never Say Never Greyhounds said...

I'm a germ freak if that makes you feel any better. I clorox wipe my desk everyday and wash my hands a lot!..... and I still got a damn cold!


Addie said...

That's just not fair that you got a cold after all your precautions - ugh! I'm kind of a hand washing freak myself, especially when I've been handling all those RMBs...I just imagine all kinds of food poisoning and assorted cooties we can get from raw meat. I've also heard that most people's desks (especially keyboards) are dirtier than a toilet seat, which ranks pretty high on the old gross-o-meter. At least you can sleep knowing your desk is WAY cleaner than most. Feel better soon, Jen!