Dissatisfied Customers

As I've mentioned in previous posts, I've started feeding my dogs raw food. The staples of their diet are really raw chicken backs and necks, along with occasional servings of veggie mix. Veggie mix is basically pureed greens, fruit, and assorted vegetables with ground beef or organ meats for flavor. The latest batch included yellow squash, broccoli, spinach, apples, a plum, and some raw ground beef. Next time it will include different ingredients to add variety to their diets, and will also be based on what's on sale. It sounds complicated, but it's really not rocket surgery. Or brain science. Or whatever.

Overall, this diet is working out famously. The boys love the raw meaty bones, and I think it's making their coats softer and their teeth whiter. What they don't especially love is the veggie mix. Here's what I think they'd say if they could talk...

"Excuse me, waitress...there seems to have been a mistake. We ordered the chicken for two, not the gross green smoothie."

"What? This is all that's on the menu tonight?"

(Big Sigh) "Ok, fine. We'll eat it tonight, but for breakfast we'd like chicken."

"And by the way, don't expect a tip!"


bosslady said...

kinda like that green juice you wanted me to try-whoa! What was it? 'Green Synergy' or something. I agree, no mean green!

Addie said...

Green Vibrance! I know it's tastes foul, but it's loaded with vitamins, minerals, and digestive enzymes. That doesn't really compensate for the idea of drinking grass clippings though, does it?

In a weird masochistic way, I like that stuff. I'd consider giving it to Bru & Hoov, but it's wicked expensive and they already probably eat healthier than most humans. :-)

Patti said...

More power to you Addie for feeding them raw. It is the best thing for them, that's for sure. I just don't have the stomach for it. When I buy liver for my girls, which I do pretty often, I get so grossed out that I sling it into the backyard for them to then pounce on and devour. They love it! Me, on the other hand, not so much! :)

Addie said...

Patti, I won't lie to you...I do sometimes really miss the convenience of kibble, and it grosses me out BIG TIME to touch the raw meat! I don't blame you a bit for flinging the liver; I'd fling the chicken too if I didn't think some epic fight might break out.

I also worry that I might be in grave danger of having one of these guys bite my hand off when I'm serving it (come to think of it, my hand does look suspiciously like chicken!).

The biggest thing I've noticed so far is their teeth really have improved. I'd say Tom Cruise has nothing on Bruno when it comes to having blazing white teeth, and even though Hoover still looks a little like Austin Powers in the dental department, he's getting WAY better. Don't even get me started about their "nice" poo!
