The Name Game

Ok, Ladies & Gents, you may have noticed that I've changed my banner from "Addie-Tude" to "Confessions of a Trophy Wife". Honestly, I think that title has it all: irony, humor, and that perfect tongue-in-cheekiness. Thanks to Jen for the suggestion!

Over the weekend, I'll toy with changing my address too. Of course the URL switch may turn out to be too much of a stretch of my technical skills, so there's a distinct possibility I'll still be right here Monday.

Either way, please stay tuned!


Zan said...

I do like the new blog title (liked the old one too for that matter) - it's not hard to change the url as I've done it and I'm truly a technoidiot. Now, don't ask me how I did it, but back when I started my blog I gave it some really dumb name and changed it immediately. You're a smart and resourceful lady. I have faith!!

Leslie said...

I can hardly wait to see what name you come up with, how about some help ? I can send you some V. Words and then it will really unique.

This looks good to me: Grumbs spitiono fachanu.
Just sit down on your "matarc" and think this thing over. Hugs and kisses.

Never Say Never Greyhounds said...

Love it! Such a fantastic idea. That person who thought of it must be so wonderful and smart :-). Full of "nologyy" (word verification of the day).
