I'm serious. Consider the following scenario.
I've just returned from an errand to replace my tires, during which I was gone for about two hours. While I'm away from home I always muzzle the boys, just in case. In case of what, I have no idea, but it just seems like a good idea. As soon as I walked in the door, I let the boys outside for some R & R (Romping & Relieving).
As I'm watching them, I notice that Hoover has assumed his predatory position: standing stock still, staring at something like he's been deep in the bush in 'Nam, tail straight up, totally unresponsive. My first thought is that he's spotted a squirrel or something, then I realize that's not the case at all.
He's staring at Bruno. Poor, innocent Bruno is on the other side of the yard, happily returning the contents of his water bowl to Mother Earth, totally unaware that he is being stalked. As Bruno starts to move, Hoover pounces forward a few yards and freezes again, stirring the leaves as bit in the process. Bruno hears the noise, recognizes the predator/prey dynamic, and apparently decides that he will have none of this game.
Every hair on Bruno's back stood on end as he charged forward before Hoover could even react. Flying across the yard, he took about 6 full strides before throwing his shoulder into Hoover and knocking him into the leaves with a rustling thud.
Mind you, all of this happened within seconds, so by the time I got between them there was enough gnashing of teeth and throaty growls to let me know that without the muzzles, this would have been an emergency vet stitch-a-thon.
Is it any wonder I'm signing that song?
Bet Hoover's gonna rethink his approach to the boys' afternoon romp.
At my house, when I'm away Jacey is crated and Sam is muzzled. Unmuzzled, he'll eat the house. He got his muzzle off a few months ago and ate a bag of raw potatoes (pooped foam afterwards). Muzzled, he still gets into stuff--kibble, candy hearts, animal crackers--and drags it around the house, but the poop guard in the muzzle slows him down nicely.
At least my two play politely.
Did you ever wonder what Hoover was thinking when he was standing there stalking Bruno ? Like maybe I am going to finish him off so I can have all of the sofa, maybe it is Bruno's fault we get muzzled, my he looks like a big chicken back !! The list goes on and on...
Hoover, what were you thinking about??? You've got to play nicely with your brother. He's no pansy and won't let you succeed in your plan for world (or backyard) domination.
My word verification is diesi. Muzzles prevented injuries that certainly would have resulted from a very diesi situation.
Kathy, I'm cracking up thinking of Sam eating a bag of potatoes...it must have been fun, because I can't imagine it being tasty!
Mom, maybe Hoover was imagining Bruno as some sort of chicken back, but truth be told, it's Hoover's "fault" they get muzzled when I'm gone. I can't quite trust that guy not to do something like eating a whole bag of spuds!
Zan, I've passed your message on to Hoover...and you've hit the nail on the head about Bruno: he's no pansy. I couldn't have said it better (or funnier) myself!
My word v. is deminess, and Bruno won't let Hoover assert any deminess over him.
I love muzzles! Must sound so funny to people with non-greyhounds.
You're right, Jen, I never would have considered a muzzle for a pet before I had a greyhound, so it must sound funny to most people. I never would have pictured that I'd use them regularly, either, but I'm sold on anything that keeps them out of trouble!
Aw, the beauty of muzzles! I use them regularly as well, well, except when they are eating their chicken backs outside and then Lucy steals away to snag sweet potatoes from the garden! A few months after Lucy came to live with us, she tore a 4-inch gash in Sugar's shoulder that required stitches, tubes, and a bit of money. Soon after, she tore a half dollar size hole in the back of Remi's head. We muzzle, for sure, unless they are eating. I'm not so afraid that will happen again since it's been a few years, but you just can't be too careful!
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