Bitchin' Mohawk Creator

Add to my considerable list of awesome parenting skills the amazing differentiator of “Bitchin’ Mohawk Creator”.

Behold the splendor of Tyler’s new ‘do, which was his request, by the way. I realize that as a parent it’s my job to say “No” to such requests, but it’s much more in my nature to participate in the foolishness.

In my defense, it’s not like he wanted to get a perm, and as you can see, I cut a pretty mean ‘hawk. It was pretty fun to do, and if he would have let me dye the center part blue or green, I'd have been in hog heaven. Of course that was not to all know I'm banned from home dye jobs since my gothic Halloween dye-baucle.

Anyway, if you’re in the market for an edgy new look that doesn't involve color, let me know. It’ll be on the house.


Kevin said...

Rock on with your bad self, Piggy-Paws!

And nice job being the cool parent on this. Hair grows back - facial piercings and tattoos (that's right, Mom, I'm talking to YOU!) are harder to turn back from.


Maria Peters said...

Duly impressed. Again.

Alex said...

Looks like you did a great job, I don't blame you for wanting to put out your shingle. Are Hoover and Bruno in the market for new looks too?

Leslie said...

It looks like I came home in the "nick" time or I might be wearing the same hair style Tyler is wearing.
By, the way Kevin I like my tattoo. Hug and Kisses,kids.
Exclen ! my v.word

bosslady said...

Um, you have time on your hands for a mohawk but we have yet to get our Chinese shampoo. Bad parenting, your friends obviously should come first before your children!

Zan said...

Tell Tyler he's lucky to have a cool mom. My mom got all in a wad when I came home with a second hole in my ear (oh how risque) and a short hair cut with a blue braided tail in the back. OK the tail sounds awful now, but it was the late 70's.

name said...

love it. And I totally agree- it's their hair, let them do what they want :)

Gerry said...

I cannot believe your kid let you cut his hair. That is one brave boy.