Another First

Well, those of us with kids know how special some of those "firsts" can be. You know, the first word, the first step, or the first tooth. Then there are those firsts that aren't so celebrated, such as the first detention, first traffic violation, and of course, the first hickey.

Really, I'm not quite sure what says poor white trash like a big, purple, pulsating, thronging hickey right in plain view. Except perhaps having such a hickey while perched on the hood of a '82 Camaro, drinking a Pabst Blue Ribbon, sporting cut off jeans shorts, a wifebeater, and a mullet.

As the Mom of Hickey Guy, it's embarrassing for me, so I have no choice but to make it a little embarrassing for Hickey Guy and his girlfriend, hereafter to be known as Hickey Chicky. What the hell? I think I'll just sit them down for a nice little talk that'll start something like this:

"You know, guys, it's not that hard to make out without leaving any marks on each other. After all, Mr. H and I play some serious championship level tongue hockey and you don't see any boo-boos on me, do you?"

I'll improv the rest, but I can't promise it won't include a rendition of that old Toni Basil song Hey Mickey. Only in this case, of course, it would be Hey Hickey.


christie said...

you can always call him Kerbie, as in the vaccuum!

Leslie said...

Okay, what the Hicky guys name ? Does it start with a J or T. They do grow up fast.
Love to you all, Mom
Don't give me no "nograpp." Thats' my v. word. LOL

Stowe and Maria said...

Hmmm, those were the days, when we could just sit by the fire and smooch. Then we got a pack of greyhounds and they kept breaking that up. If I could only give my wife a hickey, that would be special.

S.G. said...
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S.G. said...

Maybe he just bruises easily? *grin*

Addie said...

Christie, that's too funny...Kerbie, it is!

Mom, J is the Kerbie in question.

Stowe and Maria, I'm all for holy matrimony hickeys. I hereby challenge you to create one today. :-)

Sarah, he'd like us to believe it's just easy bruising, but his GF has already admitted to the crime. I just saw her and said, "You know I like you and everything, but please don't give me a hickey!".

Perfect motherhood marches on!