My Closet Door

This is my closet door, and everything behind this door is crap. I had this depressing revelation last night as I was getting ready for Alison's birthday party. My displeasure with my wardrobe mounted with each hanger I slid from right to left. Every single garment I own is either too big, too small, out of style, played out, or otherwise unacceptable.

Quite honestly, I'd rather eat broken glass than go shopping, but I've almost reached the point where I'd rather go shopping than continue to stare blankly at my current selection of horrors.


Maria Peters said...

I hear ya.

My favorite is when I "forget" that I have an event that calls for something other than baggy shorts and a t shirt...and I go rummaging only to find my other clothes smell yucky from hanging there so long.

Do you think people know that that smell is Febreze??? LOL.

Addie said...

That's too funny...I've been known to give a languishing outfit a Febreze spritzing myself. It sure beats that "been hanging in the closet since Clinton was in the White House" smell.